I just read another article on the affects of global warming and the causes. I think sometimes that I will explode. Click here to read the article. Now the environmentalist lobby has gone so far as labeling people who oppose their views as Hitler. Is that really necessary? Are you so uncomfortable with the data that backs up your plan and that you resort to raising your voice as loud as possible to over shout competing views. Besides the fact that this type of labeling is juvenile and disgusting, it also matters that the press feels the need to provide a forum for those views. Some of the people are being labeled as "ranchers" [read the story to get my pun] since they can not see into the future. I must have forgot. Are humans able to see into the future with any amount of accuracy, i.e. >1% - NO!
I agree that the world is warming and yes, we undoubtedly have some impact on that... as do termites [termites release a large percentage of methane into the air that is more directly attributable to global warming than are human carbon emissions]. And yes, we should try and limit what we put into the atmosphere. But this debate has gone to far. One of the major aspects of global warming is the impact on small island nations and their coastlines [NOT large island nations]. Yes, I think it is the human population's best interest to spend billions on trying to determine the cause of rising oceans to save the small numbers of people affected by it in these nations. God forbid, we spend the same amount of money on trying to find a cure for HIV that only affects 33 million people or how about trying to stamp out hunger? or stopping mass genocide in Dafur or.... or how about stop building cities on coastlines, on volcanoes, on major fault lines, in flood zones,...
No matter what conclusions you come to on global warming, it comes down to protecting the status quo.
If we want to limit what we put into the air, we need global limits-- that means that any and every country that has not gone through the industrial revolution never will. Those people will be condemned to live in poverty so a few favored nations' people can still have places to vacation. IT is that simple.
If you believe in global warming, then act on it everyday. It isn't as simple as buying energy saving appliances [manufacturing those same appliances probably hurts the environment more than their actual use], it mean you have to change your entire lifestyle- no more cars, no more airplane rides, no more exotic food from around the world, no more movies, no more Christmas [It makes me laugh to see a person driving a Prius with a once living tree strapped to their top so that they can feel some nostalgia. How about planting a tree instead of harvesting them for christmas, for 6,000 sqft homes,...
My Own Private Kentucky

Thursday, December 13, 2007
Termites, Hitler and Global Warming
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